Export IPA using MDM certificates

We often have a requirement where we need an iOS application to be uploaded on private App Store networks such as In-House Enterprise Distribution. Before exporting the IPA for these programs we need to ensure we have following files and information:
  1. Bundle Identifier (ex. com.bostonbyte.xxx) - Information
  2. Certificate with private key file (.p12 format) with password (if any) - File
  3. Mobile Provisioning Profile against the Certificate above - File

Note: All steps mentioned here to export the IPA file for an iOS application is only limited to Mac OS (machines).

  1. Install the certificate (.p12) file on the machine from which we need to export the IPA using the keychain utility.
  2. Install the mobile provisioning profile on the same machine in Xcode.
  3. Enter the Bundle ID provided in the project against which the IPA has to be exported
    XCode => Project Properties => General => Bundle Identifier
  4. Set Code Signing (Certificate) and mobile provisioning under XCode => Project Properties => Build
  5. Select Product option from Xcode project and click Archive
  6. After completion of archive, organizer window will open which will show latest archived file on top of the list.
  7. Right click the archived file in organizer, click Show in Finder
  8. Locate the .xcarchive file in finder window and get the absolute path for .xcarchive file
  9. Use the command below to export the IPA from .xcarchive:
    xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath <absolute_path_of_xcarchive_file> -exportPath  <absolute_path_to_save_ipa> -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile <name_of_mobile_provisioning_profile>
  10. After generating the command with required replacements, open the terminal on the machine and paste the command. This will export the IPA file to specified export path.
  11. We are now able to use this IPA file and send across to our client who can upload the IPA on the In-House Enterprise Distribution program.

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