A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content using a common user interface and thus usually supporting multiple users working in a collaborative environment. It is implemented in ASP.Net 3.5 with SQL Server as back end. Most of the parts are implemented as user control and all the data is stored in database.
Save content in a draft state, manage it though folders or taxonomy, easily update site navigation, restrict access, auto publish, style your content using WYSIWYG editor - these are all features that will allow your business to manage its content efficiently.
How It Works:
URL rewriting module is implemented to rewrite the URLs present in browser address bar. Internally the request is redirected to the specified page. On the page we have a logic which checks for the url and accordingly loads the necessary template or content. Template is user control where it has logic to fetch the data from database and render in the template. The data is passed in the parameter.
<rewrite url=".*/xadmin/(.+)/(.+)" to="$2" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/ResizeImage.aspx" to="~/ResizeImage.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/tvcComments.aspx" to="~/tvcComments.aspx" processing="stop"></rewrite>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/login.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/login.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/logout.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/logout.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/forgotpassword.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/forgotpassword.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url=".*/Common/js/FCKeditor/(.+)/(.+)" to="$2" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/Comments/(.+).aspx" to="~/FrontEnd/FrontEnd/EmptyPage.aspx?MyTitleId=$1" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/(.+).aspx" to="~/FrontEnd/FrontEnd/xpDefault.aspx?MyTitleId=$1"/>
Url parameter pattern matches with the url entered by the user and it redirects the request to the page mentioned in the "to" parameter. Processing tells the module whether it should go ahead and match the further rules or not.
A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content using a common user interface and thus usually supporting multiple users working in a collaborative environment. It is implemented in ASP.Net 3.5 with SQL Server as back end. Most of the parts are implemented as user control and all the data is stored in database.
Save content in a draft state, manage it though folders or taxonomy, easily update site navigation, restrict access, auto publish, style your content using WYSIWYG editor - these are all features that will allow your business to manage its content efficiently.
How It Works:
URL rewriting module is implemented to rewrite the URLs present in browser address bar. Internally the request is redirected to the specified page. On the page we have a logic which checks for the url and accordingly loads the necessary template or content. Template is user control where it has logic to fetch the data from database and render in the template. The data is passed in the parameter.
<rewrite url=".*/xadmin/(.+)/(.+)" to="$2" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/ResizeImage.aspx" to="~/ResizeImage.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/tvcComments.aspx" to="~/tvcComments.aspx" processing="stop"></rewrite>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/login.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/login.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/logout.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/logout.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/xadmin/forgotpassword.aspx" to="~/xadmin/Login/forgotpassword.aspx" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url=".*/Common/js/FCKeditor/(.+)/(.+)" to="$2" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/Comments/(.+).aspx" to="~/FrontEnd/FrontEnd/EmptyPage.aspx?MyTitleId=$1" processing="stop"/>
<rewrite url="~/(.+).aspx" to="~/FrontEnd/FrontEnd/xpDefault.aspx?MyTitleId=$1"/>
Url parameter pattern matches with the url entered by the user and it redirects the request to the page mentioned in the "to" parameter. Processing tells the module whether it should go ahead and match the further rules or not.