Jenkins is an open source tool for Continuous Integration Server. CI is nothing but helps in automating/reducing developers effort of verifying code checked in repository server and builds the checked in source code. This helps in analyzing the team to detect early problems with code checked in using the automated build concept of Jenkins.
Jenkins is also primarily responsible for execution of steps and stops the execution if one steps fails. It sends notification via email to the team configured to get notification.
Jenkins also has capability to integrate selenium/junit/nunit, etc frameworks to auto execute unit test cases written for application.
Continuous Integration is a process where all the developed code (by various team members) is integrated at a single location and resulting executable/artifacts are created and tested. This helps in detecting early problems in the code/applications.
Jenkins is one open source tool for Continuous Integration Server which performs code integration, build automation & Test Automation. The basic functionality of Jenkins is to execute predefined list of steps which can be triggered on time or event basis.
Time basis, means it can be scheduled to run every 10 min
Event basis, means after every commit/push to SVN/Git respectively
Here are list of steps:
1. Get the code from repository like SVN/Git
2. Build the integrated source code
3. Run a shell script
4. Archive build result
5. Starts the integration test
Jenkins is also primarily responsible for execution of steps and stops the execution if one steps fails. It sends notification via email to the team configured to get notification. It has the capability to integrate selenium/junit/nunit, etc frameworks to auto execute unit test cases written for application.
Jenkins can be installed on different platforms like Windows, Unix, etc. Jenkins is a server based system using servlet container which runs on Apache Tomcat.
Jenkins is also primarily responsible for execution of steps and stops the execution if one steps fails. It sends notification via email to the team configured to get notification.
Jenkins also has capability to integrate selenium/junit/nunit, etc frameworks to auto execute unit test cases written for application.
Continuous Integration is a process where all the developed code (by various team members) is integrated at a single location and resulting executable/artifacts are created and tested. This helps in detecting early problems in the code/applications.
Jenkins is one open source tool for Continuous Integration Server which performs code integration, build automation & Test Automation. The basic functionality of Jenkins is to execute predefined list of steps which can be triggered on time or event basis.
Time basis, means it can be scheduled to run every 10 min
Event basis, means after every commit/push to SVN/Git respectively
Here are list of steps:
1. Get the code from repository like SVN/Git
2. Build the integrated source code
3. Run a shell script
4. Archive build result
5. Starts the integration test
Jenkins is also primarily responsible for execution of steps and stops the execution if one steps fails. It sends notification via email to the team configured to get notification. It has the capability to integrate selenium/junit/nunit, etc frameworks to auto execute unit test cases written for application.
Jenkins can be installed on different platforms like Windows, Unix, etc. Jenkins is a server based system using servlet container which runs on Apache Tomcat.