Google Tag Assistant

Google Tag Assistant is add-on on Chrome. It helps in monitoring tags set for the page of a web-site. This helps you verify that you have installed various Google tags correctly on your page without looking into page source. It is very critical job to find the Google tag in Page source due to lines of code and script are bundled in it.
That's why use Google Tag Assistant Recording to record a typical user flow to and through your website and instantly validate, diagnose, and troubleshoot issues with your Google Analytics implementation.

How to use Google tag assistant:

This is an add-on chrome so you can easily download it from chrome web store-

After installing the extension, you will see an icon indicating the status of the tag on the page you're viewing.


Now access any URL like- If the page has google tag then icon will change the colour and will show how many tags are found on page. 

How tag assistant works:

•    A grey icon with an 'x' indicates that no code was found on the page
•    A green indicator will show if a valid tag was found. The number in the icon indicates the number of tags that were found
•    A blue indicator will show there are suggestions on improving overall tagging health
•    A yellow indicator will show that a tag was found with minor implementation issues
•    A red indicator will show that a tag was found with critical implementation issues
Click the icon to open a window containing tag details. It shows how many tags were found, how many errors were found, any errors, and a link to the most relevant help document available to resolve the problem.


In addition, Tag Assistant makes suggestions when improvements can be made. For example, if an out dated Analytics tag has been installed, Tag Assistant may suggest that you update to a newer tag

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